

Jul 23, 2023

Regulatory reform bill allows The Riggings sandags to linger

KURE BEACH -- The N.C. General Assembly's override Thursday of a veto by Gov. Roy Cooper could allow sandbags in front of a Kure Beach condominium complex to remain intact beyond 2020.

"House Bill 374 waives the usual time limits for temporary erosion control structures (sandbags) for locations that meet the criteria in this statute, which includes the Riggings," Sarah Young, a N.C. Division of Coastal Management spokeswoman, wrote in a statement. Young later added the division is unaware of any other locations that meet the criteria described in the statute.

The wide-reaching regulatory reform bill states the Coastal Resources Commission can allow the repair or replacement of sandbags as long as they are located adjacent to an intertidal marine rock cropping designated as a Natural Heritage Area, a designation that applies to The Riggings because of nearby coquina rock outcrops.

"Some Senators have actually listened to what we said and have tried in every way that they can to help us, and this is what you see in House Bill 374. I still don't know exactly what it means for us, and I don't think we'll have a clear picture of that until the (Coastal Resources Commission) meeting in September," said Candice Young, president of The Riggings' homeowners' association.

Under current state law, sandbags are to be used for two to five years in front of threatened structures until a more permanent solution can be found. The Coastal Resources Commission has recently approved proposed amendments to sandbags rules that would allow them to remain on the beach for an eight-year period.

The Riggings' sandbags have been on Kure Beach since 1985.

According to the most recent variance allowing the sandbags, in 2015, The Riggings must prepare annual reports regarding the sandbags and whether an alternative solution has been identified.

"What we're hoping for is that we can just not have to write these letters once a year as part of the condition for our variance to the CRC," Young said, "and we're hoping that we'll be allowed to keep the bags. There is simply not another alternative for us."

In a follow-up letter, Division of Coastal Management staff recommended homeowners examine the possibilities of trucking sand in for site-specific nourishment or moving the complex.

The homeowners association would ideally like to see the beach in front of the complex included in Kure Beach's beach nourishment project. Presently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stopped the project about 1,500 feet north of The Riggings in order to avoid burying the coquina rocks, which are designated as a natural heritage area.

Homeowners have also tried to learn how the coquina rocks can be removed from the natural heritage program, to no avail.

"The bottom line is, we just want to be left alone. We just spent $450,000 for bags two years ago. We want to be able to maintain this bag line, repair broken bags when they break and be left alone," Young said.

Reporter Adam Wagner can be reached at 910-343-2389 or [email protected].